Laser Hair Removal Treatment
At Renewal Laser, we use an 808 diode laser which is considered the gold standard in hair removal. The cooling head provides client comfort during treatment.
Our 808 diode reduces hair growth on all skin types including very fair, olive and heavily pigmented or black skin. Fine or light colored hair is difficult to treat and some fair, blonde or gray hair may not be removed. Medium to dark hair are the easiest hair colors to treat using our 808 diode laser.
Our hair removal system is very comfortable, and most patients feel a warm sting as the laser penetrates the hair follicle. To increase your comfort, during treatment we also use our Zimmer Cryo Chiller to cool and soothe the skin.
Hair follicles are active at different times, and therefore several treatments will be necessary to get your desired results. The number of treatments needed varies, but most clients will experience a significant reduction in hair growth in about 6 treatments. Factors such as age, hair density, and hormones can affect the results of your treatment. Book today!
Laser Wrinkle & Scar Reduction Treatment
Our Quanta Discovery PICO laser is designed to deliver a wide range of safe and effective treatments for all skin types. This innovative laser can minimize benign pigmented lesions, remove acne scarring, and smooth fine lines and wrinkles by replenishing collagen production.
Treatments: Usually requires 1–3 treatments.
Pain Level: You will experience discomfort depending on your treatment area, we can prescribe a topical anesthetic for increased comfort.
Pre-care: Don’t wear makeup on the day of the procedure. Avoid direct sunlight for 1 week.
Post-care: Wear SPF 50 for 3 months
Side effects: Side effects may include temporary redness of skin and a mild sunburn sensation. Any peeling skin heals in a few days.
IPL Photofacials (for Pigmented Lesions like Sun Spots, Freckles, & Birthmarks)
Sun damage is a risk of living in Florida. Come in for a treatment with our Quanta Discover Pico’s IPL (intense-pulse light) to even out the skin tone on your hands, face, back, chest, legs or just about anywhere prone to getting damaged by the sun. Our IPL can remove and reduce the appearance of age spots, freckles and pigment imperfections. This technology works best on skin types 1–3. People with a tan, or increased melanin are not good candidates for this procedure.
Treatments: Usually requires 1–4 treatments.
Pain Level: Brief discomfort, similar to a warm tingling.
Pre-care: Don’t wear makeup on the day of the procedure. Avoid direct sunlight for 1 month.
Post-care: Wear SPF 50 for 2–3 months, don’t scratch the area
Side effects: Side effects may include temporary redness of skin and a mild sunburn sensation. Any peeling skin heals in a few days.
Call us any day of the week from 7am–9pm, text us your question / picture, or send us an email!
CALL: (561) 360-2443 TEXT: (561) 444-8684 EMAIL: renewal.laser@gmail.com